Test Code ALB Albumin
Additional Codes
EPIC | LAB4006 |
Clinical Significance
Albumin measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous diseases primarily involving the liver and/or kidneys.
Source: Beckman Coulter Unicel, ALB IFU. REF #442765 12/22/15
Timed endpoint method (Beckman Coulter UniCel DxC 660i)
Sample Type
Preferred Sample Type | |
Light green top - Plasma |
Acceptable Sample Type(s) | |
Dark green top - plasma | |
Yellow top - serum | |
Red top - serum |
Centrifuge: Yes
Specimen Minimum Volume
0.5 mL
Specimen Stability
Temperature | Time |
Ambient (18-25°C) | 8 hours |
Refrigerated (2-8°C) (store) | 48 hours |
Frozen (-15 to -20°C) | 1 month |
Separate plasma or serum from cells wihtin 2 hours.
Reference Ranges
Normal Range | |
>1 Years Old | 3.6 - 5.0 g/dL |
<1 Years Old | 3.2 - 4.8 g/dL |
Technical Range |
1.0 - 7.0 g/dL |
Rejection Criteria
Hemolysis | N/A |
Icteric | N/A |
Lipemia | N/A |
Performed | STAT |
24/7 | Yes |
Performing Laboratory
MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital Laboratory
Lab Department
CPT Code
1751-7 Albumin [Mass/Vol]