Test Code CHOL Cholesterol, Total
Additional Codes
EPIC | LAB4055 |
Clinical Significance
Cholesterol measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Cholesterol measurements are also used in the diagnosis of metabolic disorders involving lipids and lipoproteins. Total serum cholesterol concentrations depend on many factors including age, gender, diet, physical activity, liver disease, and other metabolic disorders.
Source: Beckman Coulter Unicel, CHOL IFU. REF #467825 12/22/15
Timed-endpoint (Beckman Coulter UniCel DxC 660i)
Sample Type
Preferred Sample Type | |
Light green top - Plasma |
Acceptable Sample Type(s) | |
Dark green top - Plasma | |
Yellow top - Serum | |
Red top - Serum |
Centrifuge: Yes
Specimen Minimum Volume
0.3 mL
Specimen Stability
Temperature | Time |
Ambient (18-25°C) | 8 hours |
Refrigerated (2-8°C) (store) | 48 hours |
Frozen (-15 to -20°C) | 1 month |
Separate plasma or serum from cells within 2 hours.
Reference Ranges
Normal Range |
<200 mg/dL |
Technical Range |
5 - 1,000 mg/dL |
Rejection Criteria
Hemolysis | N/A |
Icterus | See Below* |
Lipemia | N/A |
*30 mg/dL unconjugated bilirubin has been shown to cause falsely decreased results.
High levels of albumin can cause a falsely decreased result.
Performed | STAT |
24/7 | Yes |
Performing Laboratory
MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital Laboratory
Lab Department
CPT Code
2093-3 Cholesterol [Mass/Vol]